Sunday, June 9, 2024


 Hi! wonderful day everyone! 

Our reading for today is nice.  read and share.  Reflect and may everyone change our ways for the better. 

Proverbs 4:20-21 states:

"My son, pay attention to what I say; turn your ear to my words. Do not let them out of your sight, keep them within your heart."


This passage from Proverbs is a fatherly exhortation emphasizing the importance of wisdom and guidance. It highlights the necessity of attentiveness, retention, and internalization of wise counsel and divine teachings. Reflecting on these verses encourages believers to prioritize and cherish the wisdom found in God's Word and the teachings of wise mentors.

Pay Attention and Turn Your Ear

The command to "pay attention" and "turn your ear" underscores the importance of actively listening and being receptive to wisdom. It suggests a posture of humility and eagerness to learn. This attentiveness is not passive but involves deliberate focus and a willingness to be guided by sound advice.

Do Not Let Them Out of Your Sight

Keeping the words of wisdom in sight indicates the need for constant mindfulness of God’s teachings. It suggests that wisdom should be a continuous focus, always present in one's daily life. This can be understood as making God's word a central part of our thoughts and actions.

Keep Them Within Your Heart

Internalizing wisdom by keeping it within one's heart signifies the deep, transformative impact it should have. It implies that wisdom should not just be an external influence but should become part of one’s inner being, shaping character and guiding decisions from within.


  1. Active Listening: The call to pay attention and turn one’s ear to wisdom highlights the importance of being proactive in seeking and valuing guidance. It encourages believers to be diligent in their pursuit of understanding and insight.
  2. Constant Focus: Not letting wisdom out of sight suggests that it should be a constant presence in one’s life. This involves regularly engaging with Scripture and wise teachings, allowing them to influence daily choices and actions.
  3. Heart Transformation: Keeping wisdom within the heart points to the need for deep internalization. True wisdom transforms from the inside out, affecting not just behavior but the core of one’s being.
  4. Parental Guidance: The verse reflects a parental tone, emphasizing the importance of passing down wisdom and guidance from one generation to the next. It underscores the role of parents and mentors in imparting lasting values and principles.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Proverbs 4:20-21 calls believers to actively seek, retain, and internalize wisdom. Practical applications might include:

  • Diligent Study: Regularly studying Scripture and other sources of wisdom, such as books, sermons, and teachings, to continually grow in understanding and insight.
  • Mindfulness: Keeping God's Word and wisdom in focus throughout the day by meditating on it, memorizing key verses, and reflecting on its application in various situations.
  • Heart Transformation: Allowing the teachings of Scripture to penetrate deeply, leading to genuine transformation in character and behavior. This involves not just knowing wisdom but living it out.
  • Mentorship and Guidance: Seeking out and valuing the guidance of wise mentors, and also being a source of wisdom for others, especially younger generations.

Believers can ask themselves: How attentive am I to the wisdom found in God's Word? In what ways can I ensure that wisdom remains a constant focus in my life? How can I internalize the teachings of Scripture so that they truly transform my heart and actions?


Proverbs 4:20-21 emphasizes the importance of attentiveness, retention, and internalization of wisdom. By paying close attention to God’s teachings, keeping them in constant focus, and internalizing them deeply, believers can experience the transformative power of divine wisdom. This passage encourages a proactive and heartfelt approach to learning and living out God’s wisdom, ensuring that it shapes both character and daily life. Through diligent study, mindfulness, and a commitment to heart transformation, believers can embody the wisdom that leads to a righteous and fulfilling life.


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