Tuesday, June 11, 2024


Hello Humble people JUNE 12, 2024.  Celebrating Independence Day here in our country.  Anyway,  Let us together be reminded to always be Humble.  Humble ourselves and Pray.  

God Bless! Here is our day's Verse:

1 Peter 5:6 states:

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time."


This verse from 1 Peter speaks to the transformative power of humility and trust in God's timing and sovereignty. Reflecting on this passage encourages believers to adopt a posture of humility and patience, recognizing that God's plans and timing are perfect.

Humble Yourselves

The call to "humble yourselves" emphasizes the importance of humility in the life of a believer. Humility involves acknowledging our limitations, weaknesses, and dependence on God. It is the opposite of pride and self-reliance, recognizing that all we have and all we achieve come from God.

Under God’s Mighty Hand

"Under God’s mighty hand" conveys a sense of submission to God's authority and power. It acknowledges that God is sovereign and in control, and we are under His protection and guidance. This phrase reassures believers of God's strength and His ability to care for and sustain them.

That He May Lift You Up

The promise that God will "lift you up" in due time highlights the ultimate reward of humility. It suggests that those who humble themselves before God will be exalted or honored by Him at the appropriate time. This lifting up can take various forms, including spiritual growth, personal blessings, and eternal rewards.

In Due Time

The phrase "in due time" points to the importance of God's timing. It reminds believers that while they may not see immediate results, God’s plans unfold according to His perfect timetable. Patience and trust are essential as believers wait for God’s timing for their exaltation or deliverance.


  1. Embrace Humility: The verse calls believers to embrace humility, recognizing their dependence on God and rejecting pride. Humility is foundational for a healthy spiritual life and relationship with God.
  2. Trust in God’s Sovereignty: Submitting to God’s mighty hand involves trusting in His sovereignty and acknowledging His authority. Believers can find comfort and security in knowing that they are under God’s powerful care.
  3. Await God’s Timing: The promise of being lifted up "in due time" encourages patience and trust in God's perfect timing. Believers are reminded to remain faithful and humble, trusting that God will exalt them at the right moment.
  4. Spiritual Rewards: The lifting up promised by God may include various blessings and spiritual growth. Ultimately, it points to the eternal rewards that come from living a humble and faithful life.

Personal Application

On a personal level, 1 Peter 5:6 encourages believers to cultivate humility and trust in God's timing. Practical applications might include:

     Practicing Humility: Actively seeking to humble oneself in daily life by acknowledging one's dependence on God, serving others, and avoiding prideful attitudes.

     Submitting to God’s Will: Consciously submitting to God’s authority and seeking His guidance in all areas of life. This involves prayer, reading Scripture, and being open to God’s leading.

     Patience and Trust: Developing patience and trusting that God’s timing is perfect. This means waiting on God’s promises and being content in the present, knowing that He will lift you up at the right time.

     Seeking Spiritual Growth: Focusing on spiritual growth and maturity, trusting that God will reward humility with deeper insights, stronger faith, and spiritual blessings.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I practice humility in my daily life? In what ways do I need to submit more fully to God’s authority? How can I develop greater patience and trust in God's timing?


1 Peter 5:6 offers a powerful reminder of the importance of humility and trust in God's perfect timing. By humbling themselves under God’s mighty hand, believers can rest assured that He will lift them up in due time. This verse encourages a posture of humility, submission, patience, and trust, emphasizing that God’s plans and timing are always perfect. Through daily practices of humility, submission, and trust, believers can experience the blessings and spiritual growth that come from living in accordance with God’s will.


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