Monday, June 10, 2024


Hi everyone! I think what the world needs now a days or each one is to purify oneself and change for the better. My Dear friends let us all change for the better. Let us renew ourselves. Let us look at our selves. Reflect, and Change our ways.

Have a nice day everyone. God Bless!

2 Corinthians 7:1 states:

"Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God."


This verse from Paul’s second letter to the Corinthians serves as a powerful call to action for believers. It emphasizes the need for personal and spiritual purification in light of the promises of God. Reflecting on this verse encourages believers to take seriously their spiritual growth and the pursuit of holiness, motivated by a deep reverence for God.

The Foundation: Promises of God

Paul begins with "Therefore, since we have these promises," pointing to the divine assurances given to believers. These promises include God's presence, protection, and the relationship of being His children, as highlighted in the preceding chapters. The certainty and faithfulness of God’s promises provide the foundation and motivation for the call to purity and holiness.

Purification from Contaminants

"Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit" is a call for comprehensive cleansing. This involves:

     Physical Purity: Avoiding behaviors and substances that harm the body, which is considered the temple of the Holy Spirit.

     Spiritual Purity: Removing sins and influences that corrupt the spirit, such as harmful thoughts, attitudes, and actions.

This dual purification recognizes that holiness involves both the physical and spiritual aspects of our being, acknowledging that both are interconnected and essential in the life of a believer.

Perfecting Holiness

"Perfecting holiness" suggests an ongoing process of sanctification. Holiness is not a static state but a continual journey of becoming more like Christ. This involves:

     Growth in Virtue: Developing Christ-like qualities such as love, patience, kindness, and humility.

     Avoidance of Sin: Consciously rejecting sinful behaviors and tendencies.

     Spiritual Disciplines: Engaging in practices such as prayer, fasting, and study of Scripture to foster spiritual growth.

Motivation: Reverence for God

The motivation for this pursuit is "out of reverence for God." Reverence, or deep respect and awe for God, is the driving force behind the desire for holiness. Recognizing God’s holiness and the honor of being His children compels believers to live in a manner worthy of their calling.


  1. Divine Motivation: The promises of God serve as the motivation for believers to pursue purity and holiness. These promises include God’s presence, favor, and the assurance of being His children.
  2. Holistic Purity: The call to purify ourselves encompasses both physical and spiritual dimensions, recognizing the holistic nature of holiness.
  3. Ongoing Sanctification: Holiness is a continuous process of growth and refinement, requiring ongoing effort and dedication.
  4. Reverence for God: The ultimate motivation for purity and holiness is a deep reverence for God. This respect and awe for God’s holiness drive believers to live in a way that honors Him.

Personal Application

On a personal level, 2 Corinthians 7:1 challenges believers to actively pursue purity and holiness in their daily lives. Practical applications might include:

     Self-Examination: Regularly assessing one’s life to identify areas of physical and spiritual contamination. This might involve reflecting on behaviors, thoughts, and influences that need to be purified.

     Healthy Habits: Adopting habits that promote physical health and well-being, recognizing the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit.

     Spiritual Disciplines: Engaging in spiritual practices such as prayer, Bible study, and meditation to foster spiritual growth and holiness.

     Accountability: Seeking accountability and support from fellow believers to help in the journey towards purity and holiness.

Believers can ask themselves: What areas of my life need purification? How can I grow in both physical and spiritual holiness? How can I cultivate a deeper reverence for God in my daily life?


2 Corinthians 7:1 provides a compelling call to purity and holiness, grounded in the promises of God and motivated by reverence for Him. By purifying ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, and by continually striving to perfect holiness, believers can live lives that honor God and reflect His character. This verse encourages a holistic and ongoing commitment to spiritual growth, emphasizing the importance of both physical and spiritual purity in the life of a believer. Through self-examination, healthy habits, spiritual disciplines, and accountability, believers can actively pursue the holiness that God desires.

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