Thursday, June 13, 2024



Hello all you Beautiful People of Christ. Welcome to my blog.  

Here is our verse of the day.  Together let us enrich in knowledge and in spirit.  Through our Lord Jesus Christ.  Our Alpha and the Omega. 

2 Corinthians 10:17-18 states:

“Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends.


These verses from Paul's second letter to the Corinthians emphasize the importance of humility and the proper source of our confidence and pride. They remind believers that true approval and commendation come from the Lord, not from self-promotion or the praise of others.

Boasting in the Lord

"Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord" is a powerful reminder that any accomplishments, talents, or virtues we might have are ultimately gifts from God. This calls for a shift from self-centered pride to God-centered gratitude. Instead of seeking recognition for ourselves, we should recognize and proclaim God's role in our successes and strengths.

Divine Commendation

"It is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends" speaks to the source of true validation. Human approval is fleeting and often based on superficial criteria, but God’s commendation is based on His perfect knowledge and righteousness. True approval is found in God's eyes, not in human accolades.


  1. God-Centered Boasting: The passage redirects our boasting from ourselves to God. It teaches that all that we have and all that we achieve are due to God's grace and should be acknowledged as such. Boasting in the Lord is an act of worship and humility, recognizing His sovereignty and generosity.
  2. Seeking God's Approval: It underscores the importance of seeking God's approval rather than human praise. God’s commendation is what truly matters, as it reflects His just and perfect assessment. This encourages believers to live in a way that pleases God rather than seeking validation from others.
  3. Humility and Gratitude: The verses promote an attitude of humility and gratitude. By boasting in the Lord, we acknowledge our dependence on Him and express thankfulness for His blessings and guidance.
  4. Eternal Perspective: Seeking God’s commendation rather than human approval shifts our focus from temporal achievements to eternal values. It encourages believers to prioritize spiritual growth and divine approval, which have lasting significance.

Personal Application

On a personal level, 2 Corinthians 10:17-18 challenges believers to re-evaluate their sources of pride and validation. Practical applications might include:

     Acknowledging God's Role: Regularly acknowledging and thanking God for your abilities, achievements, and blessings. This could be done through prayer, testimonies, and sharing how God has worked in your life.

     Living for God's Approval: Making decisions and living in a way that seeks to please God rather than seeking the praise of others. This involves aligning your actions with biblical principles and seeking God's guidance in all areas of life.

     Humility in Achievements: Practicing humility by giving credit to God for your successes and recognizing the contributions of others. This helps to foster a spirit of gratitude and reduces the tendency towards self-centeredness.

     Spiritual Growth: Focusing on personal spiritual growth and development, knowing that God's commendation comes from living a life that reflects His values and character. This includes engaging in regular prayer, Bible study, and community service.

Believers can ask themselves: In what areas of my life do I tend to seek human approval over God’s approval? How can I shift my focus to boasting in the Lord? What steps can I take to ensure that I am living for God’s commendation?


2 Corinthians 10:17-18 provides a profound lesson on humility, gratitude, and the proper source of our boasting and validation. By urging believers to boast in the Lord and seek His commendation, these verses encourage a life centered on God’s grace and approval. This shift from self-centeredness to God-centeredness fosters a deeper relationship with God and aligns our lives with His eternal values. Through acknowledging God's role in our achievements, seeking His approval, and practicing humility, believers can live lives that truly honor God and reflect His glory.

I hope and pray that you will be blessed in Jesus name.  


Pray, Reflect, Share, like and it would be awesome if you live a comment.  

Till my next blog.  

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