Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Hello everyone! hope you are all good and well.  

Here is our daily verse.  

Psalm 108:5 states:

"Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let your glory be over all the earth."


This verse is a powerful expression of worship and adoration, calling for the exaltation of God and the spreading of His glory throughout the entire earth. Reflecting on this passage encourages believers to focus on the majesty and sovereignty of God, recognizing His supreme authority and the splendor of His presence.

Be Exalted, O God

The call for God to be exalted "above the heavens" highlights the supreme and incomparable nature of God. It acknowledges that God's majesty surpasses the vastness of the heavens and the limitations of human understanding. This exaltation is not just a recognition of God's greatness but a declaration of His rightful place above all creation.

Let Your Glory Be Over All the Earth

Asking for God's glory to be "over all the earth" expresses a desire for His presence and influence to be evident everywhere. God's glory represents His power, beauty, holiness, and righteousness. This petition seeks the manifestation of God's attributes and the acknowledgment of His sovereignty by all people across the globe.


  1. Recognition of God's Supremacy: The verse calls believers to recognize and proclaim God's supremacy. By exalting God above the heavens, it emphasizes that He is greater than all creation and worthy of the highest praise and honor.
  2. Desire for Global Manifestation: The desire for God's glory to be over all the earth reflects a longing for God's presence and influence to be acknowledged universally. It signifies a hope that all people will come to recognize and worship God.
  3. Worship and Adoration: This verse is fundamentally an act of worship. It encourages believers to lift their voices in praise and adoration, acknowledging God's greatness and seeking the spread of His glory.
  4. Mission and Evangelism: Implicit in the desire for God's glory to be over all the earth is the call to mission and evangelism. Believers are encouraged to share the knowledge of God and His glory with others, contributing to the fulfillment of this prayer.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Psalm 108:5 calls believers to live lives that exalt God and reflect His glory. Practical applications might include:

     Daily Worship: Making worship and adoration of God a daily practice, both individually and in community. This can include prayer, singing, and reading Scripture to continually acknowledge God's greatness.

     Proclaiming God's Glory: Actively sharing the message of God's greatness and His works with others. This can involve conversations, acts of kindness, and living a life that reflects God's attributes.

     Seeking God's Presence: Inviting God's presence into every area of life and striving to live in a way that honors Him. This includes seeking to display God's love, justice, and mercy in all interactions.

     Global Vision: Developing a heart for global mission, supporting efforts to spread the gospel and praying for God's glory to be recognized worldwide.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I exalt God in my daily life? In what ways can I share God's glory with others? How can I support the global mission to spread the knowledge of God?


Psalm 108:5 offers a stirring call to exalt God and seek the spread of His glory across the earth. By recognizing God's supremacy and desiring His presence to be acknowledged everywhere, believers are encouraged to live lives of worship, adoration, and mission. This verse inspires a heartfelt devotion to God, urging believers to lift their voices in praise and to actively share the knowledge of His greatness with the world. Through daily worship, proclamation of God's glory, and a commitment to global mission, believers can contribute to the fulfillment of this prayer, bringing honor to God and spreading His glory far and wide.


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