Sunday, June 30, 2024


Good day everyone! Thank God for this wonderful new day.  Another reminder that God loves us. And He wanted us to live life to the fullest. 

To help us start our day right.  Here is our verse for the day: 

1 Thessalonians 5:11 states:

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."


This verse is a call to action for believers to support and strengthen each other. It highlights the importance of mutual encouragement and edification within the Christian community. The instruction is both a commendation of the Thessalonians' current behavior and an exhortation to continue in their efforts.


"Therefore encourage one another": Encouragement is essential in the Christian life. It involves offering support, comfort, and reassurance to others. Encouragement helps individuals face challenges, persevere in their faith, and grow spiritually. It fosters a sense of community and belonging, reminding believers that they are not alone in their journey.

Building Up

"And build one another up": Building up one another refers to edification—strengthening and developing each other’s faith and character. This can be done through sharing wisdom, offering constructive feedback, and helping others to grow in their understanding of God’s word. Building up is about contributing positively to others’ spiritual well-being and helping them become more Christ-like.

Continuing in Good Works

"Just as you are doing": This phrase acknowledges the efforts that the Thessalonian believers are already making. It serves as an affirmation and encouragement to persist in their good works. It reminds them that their actions are noticed and valued, and it motivates them to continue their positive influence on each other.


  1. The Power of Encouragement: The verse highlights the transformative power of encouragement. Encouraging one another helps to uplift spirits, bolster faith, and provide the strength needed to navigate life’s difficulties.
  2. Mutual Edification: Building each other up is a reciprocal process. It emphasizes the importance of community and collective growth. Every believer has a role in strengthening the faith and character of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
  3. Affirmation and Continuation: The verse acknowledges the ongoing efforts of the Thessalonians and urges them to continue. It shows that encouragement and edification are not one-time acts but continuous practices that should be part of the daily life of believers.
  4. Living Out Faith in Community: The verse underscores the communal aspect of the Christian faith. Believers are called to live in a way that supports and enhances the spiritual lives of those around them, creating a supportive and nurturing environment.

Personal Application

On a personal level, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 encourages believers to actively engage in encouraging and building up one another. Practical applications might include:

     Offering Words of Encouragement: Make a habit of speaking kind, supportive, and uplifting words to those around you. Recognize and affirm the efforts and strengths of others.

     Providing Support: Be available to listen, offer advice, and help others in practical ways. Showing genuine concern and care can significantly impact someone’s life.

     Sharing Wisdom: Use your knowledge and experiences to help others grow in their faith. Share insights from Scripture, personal testimonies, and lessons learned.

     Being a Positive Influence: Strive to be a source of inspiration and motivation. Lead by example, demonstrating faith, love, and perseverance in your own life.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I be a source of encouragement to those around me? In what ways can I contribute to the spiritual growth of others? How can I continue to build up my faith community?


1 Thessalonians 5:11 calls believers to a life of mutual encouragement and edification. It emphasizes the importance of supporting and strengthening one another, acknowledging the ongoing efforts of the Thessalonians and encouraging them to persist. By offering words of encouragement, providing support, sharing wisdom, and being a positive influence, believers can live out this verse in their daily lives. This communal approach to faith not only fosters individual growth but also strengthens the entire Christian community, creating an environment where everyone can thrive spiritually.

I do hope you like our readings for today.  

Till the next verse.  Hit like on my facebook post and It will be awesome if you leave a comment.  Just say AMEN. 

“May the Lord bless you
    and keep you; 

May the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; 

May the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”



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