Sunday, June 30, 2024


Good day everyone! Thank God for this wonderful new day.  Another reminder that God loves us. And He wanted us to live life to the fullest. 

To help us start our day right.  Here is our verse for the day: 

1 Thessalonians 5:11 states:

"Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing."


This verse is a call to action for believers to support and strengthen each other. It highlights the importance of mutual encouragement and edification within the Christian community. The instruction is both a commendation of the Thessalonians' current behavior and an exhortation to continue in their efforts.


"Therefore encourage one another": Encouragement is essential in the Christian life. It involves offering support, comfort, and reassurance to others. Encouragement helps individuals face challenges, persevere in their faith, and grow spiritually. It fosters a sense of community and belonging, reminding believers that they are not alone in their journey.

Building Up

"And build one another up": Building up one another refers to edification—strengthening and developing each other’s faith and character. This can be done through sharing wisdom, offering constructive feedback, and helping others to grow in their understanding of God’s word. Building up is about contributing positively to others’ spiritual well-being and helping them become more Christ-like.

Continuing in Good Works

"Just as you are doing": This phrase acknowledges the efforts that the Thessalonian believers are already making. It serves as an affirmation and encouragement to persist in their good works. It reminds them that their actions are noticed and valued, and it motivates them to continue their positive influence on each other.


  1. The Power of Encouragement: The verse highlights the transformative power of encouragement. Encouraging one another helps to uplift spirits, bolster faith, and provide the strength needed to navigate life’s difficulties.
  2. Mutual Edification: Building each other up is a reciprocal process. It emphasizes the importance of community and collective growth. Every believer has a role in strengthening the faith and character of their brothers and sisters in Christ.
  3. Affirmation and Continuation: The verse acknowledges the ongoing efforts of the Thessalonians and urges them to continue. It shows that encouragement and edification are not one-time acts but continuous practices that should be part of the daily life of believers.
  4. Living Out Faith in Community: The verse underscores the communal aspect of the Christian faith. Believers are called to live in a way that supports and enhances the spiritual lives of those around them, creating a supportive and nurturing environment.

Personal Application

On a personal level, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 encourages believers to actively engage in encouraging and building up one another. Practical applications might include:

     Offering Words of Encouragement: Make a habit of speaking kind, supportive, and uplifting words to those around you. Recognize and affirm the efforts and strengths of others.

     Providing Support: Be available to listen, offer advice, and help others in practical ways. Showing genuine concern and care can significantly impact someone’s life.

     Sharing Wisdom: Use your knowledge and experiences to help others grow in their faith. Share insights from Scripture, personal testimonies, and lessons learned.

     Being a Positive Influence: Strive to be a source of inspiration and motivation. Lead by example, demonstrating faith, love, and perseverance in your own life.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I be a source of encouragement to those around me? In what ways can I contribute to the spiritual growth of others? How can I continue to build up my faith community?


1 Thessalonians 5:11 calls believers to a life of mutual encouragement and edification. It emphasizes the importance of supporting and strengthening one another, acknowledging the ongoing efforts of the Thessalonians and encouraging them to persist. By offering words of encouragement, providing support, sharing wisdom, and being a positive influence, believers can live out this verse in their daily lives. This communal approach to faith not only fosters individual growth but also strengthens the entire Christian community, creating an environment where everyone can thrive spiritually.

I do hope you like our readings for today.  

Till the next verse.  Hit like on my facebook post and It will be awesome if you leave a comment.  Just say AMEN. 

“May the Lord bless you
    and keep you; 

May the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; 

May the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”



Saturday, June 29, 2024

Don't Be Like a Fool


Hello! Good Day Everyone!  Here is our verse for today! Let us try to understand.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten us. 

Proverbs 18:2 (ESV) states:

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion."


This verse from Proverbs offers a profound insight into the nature of foolishness and wisdom. It contrasts the behavior of a fool with that of a wise person, highlighting the importance of seeking understanding rather than just expressing one's own opinions.

The Nature of Foolishness

"A fool takes no pleasure in understanding": This phrase characterizes a fool as someone who lacks a desire to learn or understand. Instead of valuing knowledge, insight, or wisdom, a fool is indifferent to understanding. This indifference to gaining knowledge reflects a closed-minded attitude and a resistance to growth and self-improvement.

Self-Centered Expression

"But only in expressing his opinion": This part of the verse reveals the fool’s primary concern—expressing his own thoughts and opinions without regard for truth or understanding. This behavior is self-centered and dismissive of others’ perspectives. It highlights a superficial approach to communication, where the goal is not to engage in meaningful dialogue but merely to assert one’s own views.


  1. Value of Understanding: The verse underscores the value of understanding and wisdom. True wisdom involves a desire to learn, grow, and comprehend deeper truths. This contrasts sharply with the fool's superficial approach.
  2. Self-Centeredness vs. Openness: A fool is depicted as self-centered, focusing solely on expressing personal opinions. In contrast, a wise person seeks to understand others, values different perspectives, and engages in thoughtful reflection.
  3. Communication and Wisdom: Effective communication involves listening, understanding, and valuing others’ input. The verse warns against the folly of speaking without listening or seeking to understand.
  4. Humility in Learning: The verse encourages humility and a willingness to learn. Recognizing that we do not have all the answers and being open to gaining new insights is a hallmark of wisdom.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Proverbs 18:2 encourages believers to prioritize understanding and thoughtful communication over merely expressing their own opinions. Practical applications might include:

     Active Listening: Making a conscious effort to listen more than you speak. This involves truly hearing and considering others' viewpoints before responding.

     Seeking Knowledge: Cultivating a love for learning and a desire to gain understanding in various aspects of life. This can be done through reading, studying, and engaging in meaningful conversations.

     Reflective Communication: Before expressing your opinion, take time to reflect on its value and the potential impact on others. Aim to contribute constructively to conversations.

     Embracing Humility: Acknowledging that you do not know everything and being open to learning from others. This involves being teachable and willing to admit when you are wrong.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I become a better listener and seek to understand others? What steps can I take to prioritize learning and gaining wisdom in my daily life? How can I ensure my communication is thoughtful and constructive?


Proverbs 18:2 offers a sharp contrast between foolishness and wisdom. It highlights the importance of seeking understanding rather than being preoccupied with expressing one’s own opinions. By valuing understanding, engaging in active listening, seeking knowledge, practicing reflective communication, and embracing humility, believers can avoid the pitfalls of foolishness and grow in wisdom. This verse calls for a mindful approach to communication and learning, fostering deeper connections and personal growth.

I do hope you like our readings for today.  

Till the next verse.  Hit like on my facebook post and It will be awesome if you leave a comment.  Just say AMEN. 

“May the Lord bless you
    and keep you; 

May the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; 

May the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly


Good day beautiful people.  Missed you. Missed posting verses here. It has been a week since my last post.  

Well anyway, here is today's bible verse. 

Colossians 3:16 states:

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."


This verse from Colossians emphasizes the importance of allowing the teachings and message of Christ to permeate every aspect of our lives. It highlights the collective and communal aspect of Christian life, encouraging believers to support and uplift one another through wisdom, worship, and gratitude.

The Word of Christ

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly": This phrase calls believers to immerse themselves in the teachings of Jesus. The word of Christ is not just to be read or heard, but to dwell richly within, shaping thoughts, actions, and attitudes. It suggests a deep, ongoing engagement with Scripture, allowing it to influence every part of life.

Teaching and Admonishing

"Teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom": The verse underscores the communal responsibility of believers to instruct and guide each other. Teaching involves imparting knowledge and understanding, while admonishing includes offering correction and counsel. Both should be done with wisdom, ensuring that the guidance provided is grounded in love and truth.

Worship Through Song

"Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs": Music and worship are vital expressions of faith. Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs is a way to internalize and express the truths of Scripture. It fosters a sense of unity and joy within the community of believers, and it helps to keep the word of Christ alive in their hearts.

Gratitude to God

"With thankfulness in your hearts to God": Gratitude is a central theme in the Christian life. This verse encourages believers to approach teaching, admonishing, and worship with a heart full of thankfulness. Gratitude to God should underpin all activities, recognizing His grace and blessings.


  1. Immersion in Scripture: The verse encourages a deep engagement with the word of Christ. Believers are called to let Scripture dwell richly within them, influencing their daily lives and interactions.
  2. Community and Mutual Support: Teaching and admonishing one another emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support among believers. It suggests a collective responsibility to help each other grow in wisdom and faith.
  3. Worship and Joy: Singing and making music together is portrayed as an integral part of worship and community life. It is a joyful expression of faith that helps to internalize the teachings of Christ.
  4. Gratitude as a Foundation: Approaching all aspects of life with thankfulness to God is crucial. Gratitude fosters a positive and humble attitude, recognizing God's continuous work and blessings.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Colossians 3:16 encourages believers to immerse themselves in Scripture, support one another, engage in joyful worship, and cultivate gratitude. Practical applications might include:

     Regular Bible Study: Making a habit of reading and meditating on Scripture daily, allowing it to deeply influence your life.

     Mutual Encouragement: Actively participating in a faith community where you can teach, learn from, and support one another in wisdom and love.

     Incorporating Worship: Engaging in musical worship, whether individually or with others, to express and reinforce your faith.

     Cultivating Gratitude: Practicing gratitude in all circumstances, acknowledging God's presence and blessings in your life.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I let the word of Christ dwell richly in my life? In what ways can I support and encourage others in my faith community? How can I incorporate worship into my daily routine? How can I cultivate a heart of gratitude towards God?


Colossians 3:16 provides a rich and comprehensive guide for living a vibrant and faithful Christian life. It calls believers to deeply engage with the teachings of Christ, support and admonish one another with wisdom, participate in joyful worship, and maintain a heart full of gratitude to God. By immersing themselves in Scripture, fostering community, engaging in worship, and cultivating gratitude, believers can live out their faith in a way that honors God and enriches their spiritual journey.

Colossians 3:16 states:

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."


This verse from Colossians emphasizes the importance of allowing the teachings and message of Christ to permeate every aspect of our lives. It highlights the collective and communal aspect of Christian life, encouraging believers to support and uplift one another through wisdom, worship, and gratitude.

The Word of Christ

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly": This phrase calls believers to immerse themselves in the teachings of Jesus. The word of Christ is not just to be read or heard, but to dwell richly within, shaping thoughts, actions, and attitudes. It suggests a deep, ongoing engagement with Scripture, allowing it to influence every part of life.

Teaching and Admonishing

"Teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom": The verse underscores the communal responsibility of believers to instruct and guide each other. Teaching involves imparting knowledge and understanding, while admonishing includes offering correction and counsel. Both should be done with wisdom, ensuring that the guidance provided is grounded in love and truth.

Worship Through Song

"Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs": Music and worship are vital expressions of faith. Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs is a way to internalize and express the truths of Scripture. It fosters a sense of unity and joy within the community of believers, and it helps to keep the word of Christ alive in their hearts.

Gratitude to God

"With thankfulness in your hearts to God": Gratitude is a central theme in the Christian life. This verse encourages believers to approach teaching, admonishing, and worship with a heart full of thankfulness. Gratitude to God should underpin all activities, recognizing His grace and blessings.


  1. Immersion in Scripture: The verse encourages a deep engagement with the word of Christ. Believers are called to let Scripture dwell richly within them, influencing their daily lives and interactions.
  2. Community and Mutual Support: Teaching and admonishing one another emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support among believers. It suggests a collective responsibility to help each other grow in wisdom and faith.
  3. Worship and Joy: Singing and making music together is portrayed as an integral part of worship and community life. It is a joyful expression of faith that helps to internalize the teachings of Christ.
  4. Gratitude as a Foundation: Approaching all aspects of life with thankfulness to God is crucial. Gratitude fosters a positive and humble attitude, recognizing God's continuous work and blessings.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Colossians 3:16 encourages believers to immerse themselves in Scripture, support one another, engage in joyful worship, and cultivate gratitude. Practical applications might include:

     Regular Bible Study: Making a habit of reading and meditating on Scripture daily, allowing it to deeply influence your life.

     Mutual Encouragement: Actively participating in a faith community where you can teach, learn from, and support one another in wisdom and love.

     Incorporating Worship: Engaging in musical worship, whether individually or with others, to express and reinforce your faith.

     Cultivating Gratitude: Practicing gratitude in all circumstances, acknowledging God's presence and blessings in your life.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I let the word of Christ dwell richly in my life? In what ways can I support and encourage others in my faith community? How can I incorporate worship into my daily routine? How can I cultivate a heart of gratitude towards God?


Colossians 3:16 provides a rich and comprehensive guide for living a vibrant and faithful Christian life. It calls believers to deeply engage with the teachings of Christ, support and admonish one another with wisdom, participate in joyful worship, and maintain a heart full of gratitude to God. By immersing themselves in Scripture, fostering community, engaging in worship, and cultivating gratitude, believers can live out their faith in a way that honors God and enriches their spiritual journey.


Colossians 3:16 states:

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."


This verse from Colossians emphasizes the importance of allowing the teachings and message of Christ to permeate every aspect of our lives. It highlights the collective and communal aspect of Christian life, encouraging believers to support and uplift one another through wisdom, worship, and gratitude.

The Word of Christ

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly": This phrase calls believers to immerse themselves in the teachings of Jesus. The word of Christ is not just to be read or heard, but to dwell richly within, shaping thoughts, actions, and attitudes. It suggests a deep, ongoing engagement with Scripture, allowing it to influence every part of life.

Teaching and Admonishing

"Teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom": The verse underscores the communal responsibility of believers to instruct and guide each other. Teaching involves imparting knowledge and understanding, while admonishing includes offering correction and counsel. Both should be done with wisdom, ensuring that the guidance provided is grounded in love and truth.

Worship Through Song

"Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs": Music and worship are vital expressions of faith. Singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs is a way to internalize and express the truths of Scripture. It fosters a sense of unity and joy within the community of believers, and it helps to keep the word of Christ alive in their hearts.

Gratitude to God

"With thankfulness in your hearts to God": Gratitude is a central theme in the Christian life. This verse encourages believers to approach teaching, admonishing, and worship with a heart full of thankfulness. Gratitude to God should underpin all activities, recognizing His grace and blessings.


  1. Immersion in Scripture: The verse encourages a deep engagement with the word of Christ. Believers are called to let Scripture dwell richly within them, influencing their daily lives and interactions.
  2. Community and Mutual Support: Teaching and admonishing one another emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support among believers. It suggests a collective responsibility to help each other grow in wisdom and faith.
  3. Worship and Joy: Singing and making music together is portrayed as an integral part of worship and community life. It is a joyful expression of faith that helps to internalize the teachings of Christ.
  4. Gratitude as a Foundation: Approaching all aspects of life with thankfulness to God is crucial. Gratitude fosters a positive and humble attitude, recognizing God's continuous work and blessings.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Colossians 3:16 encourages believers to immerse themselves in Scripture, support one another, engage in joyful worship, and cultivate gratitude. Practical applications might include:

     Regular Bible Study: Making a habit of reading and meditating on Scripture daily, allowing it to deeply influence your life.

     Mutual Encouragement: Actively participating in a faith community where you can teach, learn from, and support one another in wisdom and love.

     Incorporating Worship: Engaging in musical worship, whether individually or with others, to express and reinforce your faith.

     Cultivating Gratitude: Practicing gratitude in all circumstances, acknowledging God's presence and blessings in your life.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I let the word of Christ dwell richly in my life? In what ways can I support and encourage others in my faith community? How can I incorporate worship into my daily routine? How can I cultivate a heart of gratitude towards God?


Colossians 3:16 provides a rich and comprehensive guide for living a vibrant and faithful Christian life. It calls believers to deeply engage with the teachings of Christ, support and admonish one another with wisdom, participate in joyful worship, and maintain a heart full of gratitude to God. By immersing themselves in Scripture, fostering community, engaging in worship, and cultivating gratitude, believers can live out their faith in a way that honors God and enriches their spiritual journey.


I do hope you like our readings for today.  

Till the next verse.  Hit like on my facebook post and It will be awesome if you leave a comment.  Just say AMEN. 

“May the Lord bless you
    and keep you; 

May the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; 

May the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

keep watch

Good Morning Everyone! All you Beautiful People! 

Here is our good book reading for today! 

Matthew 24:42 states:

"Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come."


This verse is a part of Jesus' discourse on the Mount of Olives, where He speaks about the end times and His return. It is a call to vigilance and readiness for His second coming. Reflecting on this passage encourages believers to live with an awareness of the transient nature of this life and the imminent return of Christ.

Vigilance and Readiness

"Therefore keep watch": This command underscores the importance of staying alert and watchful. Jesus instructs His followers to maintain a state of spiritual readiness, emphasizing that the timing of His return is unknown. This watchfulness is not about fear but about living faithfully and wisely, fully engaged in one’s spiritual responsibilities.

The Uncertainty of the Timing

"Because you do not know on what day your Lord will come": The uncertainty of the exact time of the Lord's return serves as a motivation to remain constantly prepared. This uncertainty is intentional, designed to encourage a continuous state of readiness rather than complacency. It calls believers to live each day as if it could be the day of Christ's return, ensuring that their lives reflect their faith and commitment.


  1. Call to Vigilance: The verse is a clear call to vigilance. Believers are urged to stay spiritually awake and aware, avoiding spiritual laziness or neglect. This involves regular prayer, study of Scripture, and active engagement in faith practices.
  2. Living in Readiness: The uncertainty of the timing of Christ's return means that readiness is a perpetual state. Believers are to live their lives in such a way that they are always prepared for His return, maintaining their faith and moral integrity.
  3. Awareness of Transience: This verse reminds believers of the transient nature of earthly life and the importance of focusing on eternal matters. It encourages a perspective that prioritizes spiritual growth and eternal values over temporal concerns.
  4. Encouragement to Faithfulness: Knowing that the Lord could return at any time should inspire believers to live faithfully and diligently. This involves not only personal holiness but also active participation in spreading the Gospel and serving others.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Matthew 24:42 challenges believers to incorporate vigilance and readiness into their daily lives. Practical applications might include:

     Regular Spiritual Practices: Maintaining a disciplined routine of prayer, Bible study, and worship to stay spiritually awake and connected to God.

     Moral Integrity: Living with integrity and moral uprightness, making choices that reflect a commitment to Christ and His teachings.

     Active Service: Engaging in acts of service and evangelism, helping others, and sharing the message of Christ as part of staying prepared for His return.

     Eternal Perspective: Keeping an eternal perspective in daily decisions and priorities, focusing on what has lasting value rather than getting caught up in temporary concerns.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I cultivate a habit of spiritual vigilance in my daily life? What practical steps can I take to ensure I am always ready for the Lord’s return? How can I prioritize eternal values in my everyday decisions?


Matthew 24:42 is a powerful exhortation to live with constant spiritual vigilance and readiness for the return of Christ. It calls believers to stay alert and prepared, knowing that the exact timing of His return is unknown. By maintaining regular spiritual practices, living with moral integrity, actively serving others, and keeping an eternal perspective, believers can heed Jesus' command to "keep watch." This readiness not only prepares them for Christ's return but also enriches their spiritual lives and deepens their relationship with God.

I do hope you like our readings for today.  

Till the next verse.  Hit like on my facebook post and It will be awesome if you leave a comment.  Just say AMEN. 

“May the Lord bless you
    and keep you; 

May the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; 

May the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”




Tuesday, June 18, 2024



Hi! Good morning beautiful people.  Allow me to share todays Bible Verse: 

Numbers 23:19 states:

"God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?"


This verse emphasizes the reliability and unchanging nature of God. It serves as a powerful reminder that God's character is fundamentally different from that of humans. Unlike humans, God is perfectly truthful and consistent.

God’s Immutability and Truthfulness

"God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind." This opening line draws a clear distinction between the nature of God and the nature of humans. Humans are fallible, prone to dishonesty and change. However, God is immutable—He does not lie or change His mind. This speaks to God’s perfect nature, His reliability, and His absolute truthfulness.

God's Faithfulness

"Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?" These rhetorical questions reinforce the idea that God's words and promises are trustworthy. When God speaks, it is certain that He will act according to His words. This assurance of God’s faithfulness is a cornerstone of trust for believers.


  1. Contrast with Human Nature: The verse highlights the stark contrast between God's perfect nature and human fallibility. While humans can lie and change their minds, God’s nature is fundamentally different—He is always truthful and steadfast.
  2. Trust in God’s Promises: The rhetorical questions emphasize that God’s promises are sure. Believers can have complete confidence that what God has said, He will do. This assurance provides a solid foundation for faith and trust in God.
  3. God’s Unchanging Nature: The immutability of God is a source of comfort and stability. In a world where change is constant and people often fail to keep their word, God’s unchanging nature and faithfulness offer a reliable anchor.
  4. Assurance of Fulfillment: God’s words are not empty; they are always fulfilled. This assurance encourages believers to trust in God’s promises and live in the confidence that God will bring to pass what He has spoken.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Numbers 23:19 encourages believers to deepen their trust in God’s character and His promises. Practical applications might include:

     Relying on God’s Word: Trusting in the promises found in Scripture and living with the confidence that God will fulfill what He has spoken.

     Emulating God’s Faithfulness: Striving to reflect God’s truthfulness and consistency in one’s own life. Being a person of your word and maintaining integrity in all actions and decisions.

     Finding Comfort in God’s Immutability: Taking comfort in the fact that God does not change. This stability can provide peace and assurance, especially in times of uncertainty and change.

     Strengthening Faith: Building your faith by regularly reminding yourself of God’s promises and His track record of faithfulness. Reflecting on how God has kept His word in your own life and in the lives of others.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I better trust in God’s unchanging nature and His promises? In what ways can I reflect God’s faithfulness in my interactions with others? How does recognizing God's immutability provide comfort and assurance in my daily life?


Numbers 23:19 is a powerful declaration of God's unchanging nature and His unwavering truthfulness. It contrasts God’s perfect character with human fallibility, emphasizing that God does not lie or change His mind. This verse reassures believers of the certainty of God’s promises and His faithful nature. By trusting in God’s word, emulating His faithfulness, finding comfort in His immutability, and strengthening their faith, believers can live with confidence and assurance in God’s perfect and trustworthy nature.

 I do hope you like our readings for today.  

Till the next verse.  Hit like on my facebook post and It will be awesome if you leave a comment.  Just say AMEN. 

“May the Lord bless you
    and keep you; 

May the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; 

May the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”