Wednesday, July 10, 2024


Thank You Tonix for this wonderful Picture. Keep Them Coming.

Good Morning Everyone!  God Bless You All! 

Reading this is equivalent to hearing them.  And so let's keep it! Keep it in mind and in heart.  That we may show it in our deeds.  Imagine if everybody is doing good deeds. What a wonderful world it would be. 

Good Morning:  I'm talking about the Bible Verse for the Day:

Luke 11:28 (NKJV) states:

"But He said, ‘More than that, blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!’"


In this verse, Jesus emphasizes the importance of not just hearing God's word but also putting it into practice. This statement comes in response to a woman who praised the blessedness of Jesus’ mother for having borne and nursed Him. Jesus redirects the focus from physical relationships and connections to spiritual obedience and commitment.

Hearing the Word of God

"Blessed are those who hear the word of God": Hearing God's word is the first step towards a deeper relationship with Him. It involves being attentive to His teachings, reading the Scriptures, and listening to His voice in our daily lives. Hearing signifies openness and receptivity to God's message.

Keeping the Word of God

"And keep it": Keeping God's word means more than just understanding or acknowledging it. It requires obedience, commitment, and action. To keep the word of God is to live according to His commandments, applying His teachings to our daily actions and decisions. This is the essence of true discipleship.

Blessedness in Obedience

"Blessed": Jesus declares that those who both hear and keep God's word are blessed. This blessedness goes beyond mere happiness or good fortune; it denotes a state of spiritual well-being and favor with God. Obedience to God's word brings about a deep sense of fulfillment, peace, and joy that comes from living in harmony with His will.


  1. Priority of Spiritual Obedience: Jesus places higher value on spiritual obedience than on any other form of blessedness. True blessedness is found in hearing God's word and acting on it.
  2. Active Faith: This verse underscores that faith must be active. It’s not enough to simply hear God's word; it must be kept, meaning that it should influence and guide every aspect of our lives.
  3. Spiritual Well-being: The blessedness that comes from obedience is a profound state of spiritual well-being. It aligns our lives with God’s purpose, bringing us peace, joy, and a deeper relationship with Him.

Personal Application

On a personal level, Luke 11:28 encourages believers to prioritize both hearing and keeping God's word. Practical applications might include:

     Engaging with Scripture: Make a daily habit of reading and studying the Bible. Seek to understand God's message and how it applies to your life.

     Living Out God's Teachings: Apply the principles and commandments found in Scripture to your everyday actions and decisions. Strive to live a life that reflects God's word in your behavior and choices.

     Seeking Obedience: Pray for the strength and guidance to obey God's word. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you discern and follow God's will in every situation.

Believers can ask themselves: How can I better hear and understand God's word in my daily life? In what ways can I more faithfully keep and apply God's teachings? How can I cultivate a life of obedience that reflects true blessedness?


Luke 11:28 highlights the profound blessedness that comes from hearing and keeping God's word. It calls believers to not only be attentive to God's teachings but to actively live them out. By engaging with Scripture, applying its principles, and seeking obedience, we can experience the true blessedness that Jesus speaks of—a deep, fulfilling relationship with God characterized by peace, joy, and spiritual well-being. This verse encourages us to embrace an active faith that goes beyond mere hearing to wholehearted obedience and commitment to God's word.

I do hope you like our verse for today.  

Till the next verse.  Hit like on my facebook post and It will be awesome if you leave a comment.  Just say AMEN. 

“May the Lord bless you
    and keep you; 

May the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you; 

May the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”


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